Rising To The Masses: Kraken Waker - TheRockFix.com
Rising To The Masses: Kraken Waker

Rising To The Masses: Kraken Waker

| Interviewed By

Before the first riffs echo through the fields of Catton Park, we are diving head first into the pulse-pounding world of the New Blood Stage at Bloodstock 2024. So grab your backstage pass, tune your senses, and join us as we explore the stories, inspirations, and the relentless drive of the bands who are rising to the masses! Introducing Kraken Waker

How would you describe your band to someone who’s never heard you?

A friend described us as “like Clutch, with Crosby, Stills and Nash. Plus wizards”. We write songs with big riffs and tasty grooves and lyrics about things we know about, like beards, booze, being skint and dodgy footwear.

Tell us about your band’s origin story. How did you all come together?


The three of us were playing in another band for several years and when that stopped thought we’d have a go at being a power trio. We’ve been mates for a long time and it really works.

What song would you recommend for someone’s first listen of your band?

Describe your songwriting process. How do you create your music?

One of us will come in with some riffs or ideas and we’ll jam it about until we get something we all like. Sometimes we will write together before practising bouncing riffs and parts off each other.

What are your musical influences?

All sorts. A real mixed bag. We are all big riff hunters though, which brings it all together.

What’s the story behind your band name?

We wanted a name that reflected that we are a loud band and had all enjoyed the John Wyndham novel ‘The Kraken Wakes’ which we played off. The name lends itself to some cool imagery too.

What’s your guilty pleasure music outside of metal?

Ubes (guitar) loves jazz. Scully (drums) enjoys Billy Ocean, Toto and lots of 80s stuff. Gav (bass) loves soul, reggae and Willie Nelson.

Tell us about your most memorable live performance or tour experience.

The M2TM Newcastle win this year will take some be as tiny.

What’s the most challenging aspect of being a metal band in today’s music industry?

Doing it all yourself, time restraints and visibility are problematic.

Any advice for other aspiring metal musicians?

Find other people who are as daft about making a racket as you are. You’ll love it.

What’s next after Bloodstock for the band?

We are releasing our first album a bit later on this year, so watch out for that. And more gigs out of our postcodes.

Kraken Waker are set to play The Hopical Storm New Blood Stage On Friday 9th August 2024.

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