A Taste Of New Blood – Moon Reaper - TheRockFix.com
A Taste Of New Blood – Moon Reaper

A Taste Of New Blood – Moon Reaper

| Interviewed By

Bloodstock Open Air is one of the best festivals at giving new and up-and-coming bands a stage to reach a wider audience in the form of their New Blood stage! We here at The Rock Fix love discovering exciting new talent so this year we thought we would reach out to some of the bands gracing the stage and hear what it means to them to have this opportunity. First on our list was the outrageously heavy Moon Reaper!

Hope you’re doing well! With Bloodstock creeping ever closer, how are you feeling about hitting the New Blood Stage?

We’re insanely excited. Keen to bestow our celestial wrath to the masses.

Bloodstock is one of the leading festivals when it comes to giving up-and-coming artists a chance, how important do you think this platform is for aspiring bands?


The Newblood stage bridges the gap between underground and commercial acts. Having this platform gives some of the best bands in the region an opportunity to small bands to take the leap forward.

Being at the UK’s largest metal festival, how has your preparation changed compared to a normal club show?

it has been a much more co ordinated, we’ve essentially been preparing for the biggest gig of our careers.

A band’s image and sound are a big part of what makes them attractive to a wider fan base so how would you describe your style? 

Blackened hardcore doom. Conjuring the malevolence of deep space entities to unveil the apocalypse to the world.

The music landscape is ever-changing and social media is a big part of that. with bands like bad omens and sleep token gaining massive popularity through TikTok, how do you think that’ll affect metal as a whole?

I think it will improve its accessibility and make some types of metal more popular. In turn this may have an inverse effect on the underground, pushing it further away from commercial metal, and try to oppose the popularity of TikTok bands.

Over the past few years, countless local venues have unfortunately had to close their doors due to rising costs. What are your thoughts on the current state of grassroots music venues around the area you’re based?

In Bristol we have suffered this issue somewhat, but there are enough here with frequent events to keep the spaces live and bustling. Despite this, most of these venues are in need of business, so we’d encourage every person to support those grassroots venues as much as possible.

Let’s get a bit more light-hearted! Obviously, you have your own set to look forward to at Bloodstock but which band on the lineup is your must-see act?

Our tastes differ so much to give one single answer, although if we had to pick one that would tick everyone’s box, it would definitely be Meshuggah.

With Festival season, unfortunately, nearing an end, do you have many plans for the upcoming colder months? 

Absolutely. We have a string of smaller shows dotted around the country, and we’re looking forward to our next release to get our latest music out there. Prepare for annihilation.

That’s all I’ve got for you today! Is there anything you’d like to add or promote? 

Our live video for our song Overlord at Bristol’s metal to the masses competition for BOA just dropped, give it a watch. We also have new longsleeves out for preorder designed in house by our vocalist Sirin. If you like them, pre order yours today.

We see you like Bloodstock Open Air Festival 2023! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram for the latest news, reviews, and interviews from the festival.