As Everything Unfolds – Within Each Lies the Other -
As Everything Unfolds – Within Each Lies the Other

As Everything Unfolds

Within Each Lies the Other

Genre: Post-hardcore.
Released: 26/03/2021
Via Long Branch Records

Album Review: As Everything Unfolds – Within Each Lies the Other

March 26, 2021 | Reviewed By

As Everything Unfolds have taken the post-hardcore scene by storm with their highly anticipated debut album ‘Within Each Lies the Other’. Their first single from the record titled ‘Hiding From Myself’ has already amassed over 450,000 streams on Spotify with each new single releasing receiving a similar fan fair. It’s clear to see that they aren’t entering the scene quietly so I had to check out their debut album for myself. Here are my thoughts on As Everything Unfolds ‘Within Each Lies the Other’!

The album kicks off with ‘On The Inside’ which instantly demonstrates what all the hype is about surrounding the band. Charlie Rolfe’s vocals instantly stand out from the pact of other post-hardcore bands and the female-fronted group breathe a breath of fresh air into what is a male-dominated scene. Her ability to switch between cleans and gutturals in a fluid motion is seriously impressive. Adam Kerr and Owen Hill’s riffs fill the song with life over a solid beat is laid down by Liam Burgoyne which is all topped off by the mesmerising synth being played by Jonny Cassidy. What a start to a debut album!

The momentum doesn’t slow down at all as ‘Take Me There’ is equally as impressive. The mellow intro that is bombarded by a barrage of drums and riffs makes for one hell of a track. The use of accented syncopation adds an element of surprise that gives the song a whole new level of depth. Not to mention the killer breakdown that kicks in around the 2:30 mark. This is followed by the blistering ‘Wallow’ which is here to kick your teeth down your throat. The sheer intensity on display during this track is something else and I can already envision the crowd reaction to this one once As Everything Unfolds can tour. This one should come with a whiplash warning!

‘Stranger in the Mirror’ is up next and it doesn’t disappoint. A more tame entry to the album that shows just how good this band is. The ability to switch up styles is something that isn’t seen enough in the genre and once again As Everything Unfolds demonstrate exactly what they are capable of. Another dominating vocal performance from Charlie and an infectious chorus make this one of those songs you won’t be able to get out of your head for days to come, but ‘Grayscale’ will be lodge deep in your memory for weeks. Great use of the keys and synths from Jonny captivates your mind, while Charlie’s vocals delicately flow over the harmonies created by Adam and Owens guitars. A groovy Bassline laid down by George Hunt fills the song with life and is a delight to hear. My final piece on this song is that the outro is astonishing. You’ll have to check it out for yourself.


Following that is ‘Stay’. I couldn’t help but be glued to the drumming during this one. A memorable beat, full of attitude and skill, demonstrates Liam’s ability behind the kit. At around the 2-minute mark, the ambush of palm mutes and distortion works extremely well and is a memorable moment from the track. ‘Let Me Go’ Is a strong entry to the album. The song is full of charisma and passion that is delivered through an outstanding performance from the whole band. Everything compliments each other and creates a tight sound that is hard to come by. 

It’s time for ‘Hiding From Myself’ which is the song that has captured the hearts of fans since its release back in 2020. An absolute beast of a song that takes no prisoners during its conquest. This song is going to kill in a live setting and I cannot wait to be in the middle of a pit during this one. A chorus that will have fans screaming back at them and with moments that will have the mosh pits ready to erupt. It’s no wonder why As Everything Unfolds wanted this to be the first track people heard of the new album!

The penultimate song is ‘One Last Time’. A great blend of heavy and mellow that culminates in a phenomenal track. The way the guitars seem to glide alongside Charlie’s vocals helps the song remain tight and compact. Not to mention the fact that the song gives off a larger than life atmosphere that allows it to stand out on its own. This is then matched by ‘Wither’ A slow, melodic juggernaut that caps the album off perfectly. A masterclass of how to mix heavy with the calm that just blows you out of the water. It’s a surprisingly late change in style however it works well and fits the natural flow of the record perfectly. 

As Everything Unfolds have smashed it with the release of their debut album ‘Within Each Lies the Other’. The band are full of potential and I can safely say this band deserve all the attention they have garnered in the build-up to this release. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for them as their debut album may be the best album I’ve heard this year.

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