Lawnmower Deth – Blunt Cutters -
Lawnmower Deth – Blunt Cutters

Lawnmower Deth

Blunt Cutters

Genre: Thrash Metal.
Released: 28/01/2022
Via Cherry Red Records

Album Review: Lawnmower Deth – Blunt Cutters

February 1, 2022 | Reviewed By

Lawnmower Deth is not your standard thrash metal band. Focusing more on crude humour and controversial themes, the band have made a name for themselves making metalheads laugh and mosh all at the same time. Releasing their first album since 2018’s ‘Unleashed In The East…Midlands’, ‘Blunt Cutters’ promises fans more of the band’s unique style of music. Here are my thought’s on their latest release.

Opening track ‘Into The Pit’ wastes no time bringing the thrash into the fray. Just as the name suggests this song is perfect for all the metalheads who love a good mosh utilizing a beefy drumming track and heavy chugging riffs and the album doesn’t let up as it launches straight into ‘I Don’t Want To’. An extremely fast-paced track that will have fans headbanging along to its chaotic beat for the entire 1 minute 16 seconds it’s on. Not to be outdone, ‘Botheration’ maintains the infectious beat’s mixed with gritty vocals and thrashy riffs.

Up next is ‘Swarfega’, a short and sweet song that could almost be a radio jingle, coming in at just 26 seconds long. Keeping their comical style alive is ‘Bastard Squad’. This track’s shining feature is its memorable chorus that is just begging for fans to jeer it back to the band at a summer festival. Continuing down the album and there’s a tonne of parody thrash on display. ‘Now He’s A Priest’ is quite repetitive but has a comical charm to it, ‘Good Morning, Phil’ is littered with blast beats and expletives while ‘Bobblehead’ will remind you of a kid desperate for a certain toy in the shop.

Following that is ‘Raise Your Snails’ which boasts an impressive instrumental that compliments the vocal delivery nicely. ‘Deth! Maim! Kill!’ is basically a homage to Hades and his love for the dead and mutilation while ‘Christ Options’ is really just a joke in song form and is over in 24 seconds. Coming up next is ‘Hell’s Teeth’, an odd track that seems to break its natural flow with quite odd contrasting styles littered throughout the song.

The title track ‘Blunt Cutters’ is once again quite a short affair that has quite an interesting instrumental. The drumming on this track really catches your ear and will have you tapping along in no time. Keeping it short, ‘Space Herpes’ is about as serious as the title would suggest. Yet another whimsical track full of chugging riffs. Continuing the parody is ‘Nothing But Noise’. Repetition is the order of the day and the use of similar chord progressions throughout the entire song forces it to get stuck in your head however the song does feature a short guitar solo that is worth a listen.

Nearing the end of the record now and ‘Good Night, Bob’ ups the pace for a brief moment before ending with the sounds of the sea while ‘Power Bagging’ opens with palm mutes and a beefy bassline. The trash has not let up yet and if anything, it’s gotten more intense as the album has gone on. Leaving the longest song till last, ‘Agency Of C.O.B.’ brings a bit more of a methodical feel to the album. Probably being the closest thing to a standard style of a song on the record, it closes off the chaotic release nicely.

To be honest with you, I had a blast listening to this release. The humour is definitely not going to be for everyone however the way the band executes the crude jokes within a thrash metal style works wonders. I highly recommend giving this album a try if you have even the slightest interest in the thrash metal scene.

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