AC/DC On Track To Score The UK’s Fastest Selling Album Of 2020 -
AC/DC On Track To Score The UK’s Fastest Selling Album Of 2020

AC/DC On Track To Score The UK’s Fastest Selling Album Of 2020

4 years ago | November 18, 2020 | Written By

AC/DC are set to land their fourth UK number one album this week, but could also score the fastest selling album of 2020.

The band released their seventeenth studio album ‘Power Up’ last Friday, and the band are already outselling the rest of the top 5 combined in the midweek charts.

If the band can maintain their lead at the top of the charts *Which they should be able to*, ‘Power Up’ will become the bands fourth UK number one, and the band’s first UK number one album since their soundtrack album ‘Iron Man 2 – OST’ a decade ago. The band have previously hit the top of the charts with 1980s ‘Back In Black’ and 2008’s ‘Black Ice’.

At current the band’s new album has scored 47,000 chart sales over the weekend, and if it continues and overtakes Kyle Minogue’s 55,000 sales on last weeks ‘Disco’, ‘Power Up’ will become 2020’s fastest-selling album so far. You can check out the mid-week chart here.

The album is a tribute to Angus’ brother, former rhythm guitarist Malcolm Young.

The new album can be ordered here. The band will be releasing various versions of the album including a Picture-Disc Vinyl, Silver Vinyl, 4 different colour cassettes, and more.

Check out the albums tracklisting here:

01. “Realize”
02. “Rejection”
03. “Shot in the Dark”
04. “Through the Mists of Time”
05. “Kick You When You’re Down”
06. “Witch’s Spell”
07. “Demon Fire”
08. “Wild Reputation”
09. “No Man’s Land”
10. “Systems Down”
11. “Money Shot”
12. “Code Red”

Check out the single ‘Shot In The Dark’ here:

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