2000 Trees returned once more with headliner sets from The Gaslight Anthem, The Chats, and Don Broco. The festival prides itself on its sense of community and togetherness, as well as being one of the most diverse festivals in the UK. As people arrived on Wednesday, a real feeling of excitement filled Upcote Park. Exit...
2000 Trees was blessed with another day of non-stop sunshine and action. Everything from excitement to some extreme hangovers was on display just as you would expect from a rock and metal festival! Here’s what unfolded on the Friday of 2000 Trees! Opening proceedings for day 2 was Creature who where greeted to a large...
One of the UK’s most diverse festival lineups comes in the form of 2000 Trees each year and their 2023 offering is no different. From deathcore to pop punk, the event shines a light on all things alternative with a more naturalistic approach to festivals. With a big emphasis on doing whatever they can to...
Some say all good things come in threes so 2000 trees’ final day should exceed all expectations. It’s the fan’s last chance to party hard before returning to the real world so why not give it your all one final time. Here’s what went down Saturday night at 2000 Trees! The first band we managed...